English - contact and opening hours

Many services and/or products can be requested online.

Contact Form

Fill in our contact form if you have a question or remark. This enables us to help you more efficiently. You receive a response within 2 working days. Simple questions are handled immediately. If the question is more complicated, we will let you know how long it takes until you receive an answer.

Fill in our contact formexterne-link-icoon


You can call us from Monday till Friday between 8.00 and 17.00.  Between 8.00 and 9.00 you can only call to make or change appointments at the counter. For other topics you can call between 9.00 - 17.00.

Opening hours

Only with an appointment you can visit us. The opening hours of the Municipality Office at Hengelosestraat 51:

  • Monday: 8.30 – 16.30
  • Tuesday: 8.30 – 16.30
  • Wednesday: 8.30 – 16.30
  • Thursday: 8.30 – 16.30 and 17.00 – 19.30
  • Friday: 8.30 – 16.30
  • Every 1st Saturday of the month: 8.30 - 16.30
  • Every 3rd Saturday of the month: 8.30 - 12.15

Visiting address Municipality Office

Gemeente Enschede
Hengelosestraat 51
7514 AD Enschede

Postal address

Gemeente Enschede
Postbus 20
7500 AA Enschede

You don't get an acknowledgment of receipt. It takes 3 weeks to handle mail. If the processing takes longer, we will contact you.